OPENSTATE is a design collective composed by Daniel Kruse, Dominik Wind and Simon Kiepe.
Daniel Kruse is co-founder and CEO of Wigwam, an agency specialized in online campaigning for NGOs and clients working in the eco-social sector. He’s formerly been a manager at the initiative which produced the event “Table of Free Voices” and documentary “Trouble” about the G8-Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Dominik Wind is co-founder of Palomar 5 – a 6 week long events that took place in 2008 in cooperation with the german Telekom about the future of work. Since 2009 Dominik creates various workshop-formats and creative-collaborative processes for companies and NGOs between 3 and 1000 hours long. His clients are the German Telekom, Daimler, Fraunhofer Institut ISI and the Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.
Simon Kiepe is co-founder of 10hoch16 – a design studio specialized on the conception, design an communication of eco-social projects and initiatives. Clients are Amnesty International, the re:publica conference, Oxfam, Terres des Hommes and many other NGOs, companies and events.


The severe social and ecological threats we face today are results of systemic “dead ends” such as oil dependency, an unbroken belief in economic growth, and technological quick fixes to tackle the long-term destruction of our nature. Open State wants to break with these path dependencies and unites dedicated people to think, live and work on the future we need. We aim to replace consumerism with an action culture of makers that walk the talk to transition. We build spaces to train and open-source innovative projects and help them gather worldwide attention.


Interesting questions / statements

We have to replace consumerism with an action culture of makers that walk the talk to transition.

Disrupt the wrong and develop the right.

Can there be right in the wrong?